Intellectual Property

We provide strategic legal and risk management for your intellectual property needs.

Our Intellectual Property (IP) practice is dedicated to providing strategic advice tailored to IP-based transactions

Whether you're in the public or private sector, we offer practical solutions to help you navigate the complexities of IP in your everyday business operations. Our approach to IP law is grounded in the practical, ensuring that your IP is not only protected but also strategically leveraged for your benefit. Whether you need assistance with licensing or IP clauses in contracts, we’re your partner in navigating the IP landscape with confidence.

Our services

IP Projects Across Industries

Our team is adept at handling licensing and commercialisation projects across various sectors, including:

  • Research, Life Sciences, and Biopharmaceuticals
    We assist with IP matters critical to research and development, ensuring that your innovations are protected and effectively commercialised.

  • Health and Emerging Technologies
    We specialise in IP aspects related to new and evolving technologies, ensuring compliance and strategic advantage.

Manufacturing and Product Development

We provide guidance on IP licensing and protection issues when you provide use of your products to others, helping you maximise the value of your IP.

IP Clauses and Agreements

We provide comprehensive support for IP-related clauses within broader agreements, including:

  • Goods and Services Agreements
    We ensure that IP clauses are well crafted and align with your overall business strategy.

  • Licensing Agreements
    Our team prepares and negotiates licensing agreements, particularly in areas where IP is crucial, such as research and emerging technologies.

Additional Support

While we handle a wide range of IP issues, we also have a trusted network of specialists for more intricate IP matters. Our referral network can assist with specialised IP matters such as trademark registration and filing disputes, complex copyright infringement issues, and IP protection strategies.

Intellectual Property


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