
We provide effective solutions in commercial, regulatory, administrative and public law for those engaging in the government sector.

We have a highly specialised government team with extensive public sector experience

With a comprehensive understanding of the workings of government and how legal services can best be delivered, we support our clients in many and varied ways, including:

  • Effective stakeholder management in complex and sensitive matters with multiple stakeholders
  • Transparency and accountability in the delivery of services
  • Consistent service delivery across departments and agencies
  • Pragmatic and clear communication
  • End-to-end management of matters

We assist government departments and agencies, and those engaging with government, as a trusted and strategic advisor on complex government matters and through virtual retainer arrangements, HiveGC+ and secondments.

How we can help

Whilst we advise government, and those engaging with government, across a broad range of sectors, the industries we have deep specialisation in are:

Applying Hive Legal’s highly collaborative, innovative consulting approach to all government sector engagements, we are pleased to deliver high-quality legal, strategic, and risk management services in this field. Our areas include:

In addition to the below commercial, public, and administrative law areas, our service offering includes:

  • Government strategy and risk advice
  • Policy and procedure development and review
  • Training, CPD sessions, and continuous improvement initiatives
  • Legal consulting using our innovative approach to Legal Design Thinking (HiveThinkP)


Commercial Law

Our experienced team has received several awards for our commercial law practice. Paired with our government-specific expertise, our team can support you through the complex nature of government contracting. Our government commercial services include:

  • Procurement and contracting of goods and services, including tenders and state purchase contracts
  • Major government projects
  • Government grant and funding programs
  • Intergovernmental arrangements, memoranda of understanding, and other agreements
  • Procurement and contracting compliance and enforcement
  • Technology, IP, consumer, privacy, and regulatory contracting considerations
  • Contract management


Administrative and Public Law

Our government team are public and administrative law specialists who deliver collaborative, prompt, and high-quality legal, strategic, and risk management services in this field to government and those engaging with government. We can assist with advising on matters including:

  • Statutory interpretation advice
  • Public governance and reporting
  • Public liability and statutory immunities
  • Public sector design and implementation
  • Legislative, instrument, and policy drafting and reform
  • Administrative and statutory decision-making powers, obligations, and entitlements
  • Preparing instruments of delegation or authorisation, and administrative determinations
  • Administrative reviews of decisions
  • Regulatory compliance and enforcement, including functions, powers and obligations, licensing and suitability, and regulatory tools
  • Privacy, public and health records, freedom of information, record security, and retention
  • Confidentiality and disclosure, including Legal Professional Privilege, Public Interest Immunity, and intergovernmental information-sharing
  • Public emergency law

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Associated Areas of practice

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