Energy and Climate Change

We have a highly experienced energy team with specialist skills in electricity, gas, renewable energy, carbon/climate change, and new energy technologies.

Our team is passionate about contributing to the transition of Australia’s energy sector as we move towards a net zero emissions economy

We combine our expertise to advise and assist clients with:

  • Regulatory risk and compliance
  • Energy contracting, projects, and construction
  • Specialist disputes in the wholesale and network sectors
  • Energy sector M&A
  • Law and market reform, strategy, and policy

Energy law spans technical, economic, and legal concepts, which requires a keen eye for detail and an ability to grasp the complex web of an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Our team relishes this challenge, and enjoys collaborating with industry participants, government, regulators, and fellow advisers within this dynamic and often challenging environment.

How we can help


We have extensive experience in the electricity sector and work with a range of clients, including electricity retailers, generators, network service providers, large electricity consumers, and metering and embedded network service providers.

We can support you with:

  • Wholesale electricity market and retail energy regulatory advice, including National Electricity Law, National Electricity Rules, National Energy Retail Law and National Energy Retail Rules, and state and territory electricity law requirements
  • Advising on large electricity projects, M&A, and other major electricity transactions
  • Negotiation of electricity sector agreements, including power purchase agreements, connection agreements, electricity retail supply agreements, network service agreements, metering service agreements, and embedded network service agreements
  • Representing market participants in the electricity market and access dispute processes under the National Electricity Rules
  • Advice on structuring, contracting, and regulatory compliance for electricity storage, embedded network, metering, distributed generation, and new energy technology projects
  • Advising on consumer law and privacy issues for participants in the electricity sector


We advise and assist a wide range of gas industry stakeholders, including gas retailers, pipeline operators, large gas customers, and gas storage service providers.

We can support you with:

  • Negotiation of gas sale agreements, gas transportation agreements, gas storage services agreements, and gas processing agreements
  • Advising on regulatory compliance issues, including National Gas Law and National Gas Rules requirements and management of major gas sector reforms
  • Advising on large gas projects, M&A, and other major gas transactions
  • Representing market participants in gas market and access disputes under the National Gas Law and National Gas Rules
  • Advising on legal, market, and policy reforms affecting the gas sector, including consumer law and privacy issues
  • Assistance with general commercial contracting, negotiations, and reviews

Renewable Energy

We support and guide a range of clients with renewable energy projects, including solar and wind farm developments and acquisitions and energy storage projects.

We can support you with:

  • Advice on regulatory risk and compliance
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Negotiation of power purchase agreements, connection agreements, and other key agreements relevant to renewable projects
  • Management of trading and registration of renewable energy certificates

Carbon/Climate Change

We advise private and public sector clients on carbon and climate change reforms and compliance schemes, including emissions reduction and carbon tax schemes dating back to the mid-2000s. Our experience covers regulatory and compliance advice, emissions reduction projects, negotiation of carbon liability management agreements, and managing issues associated with pass-through of carbon costs.

New Energy Technologies

We frequently combine our interests in technology and innovation with our legal experience to advise new energy technology businesses on regulatory risk and compliance issues and commercial contracting and negotiation. In particular, we have deep expertise in supporting clients in navigating complex regulatory frameworks that were not designed to accommodate new or innovative energy solutions.


We assist with front-end construction documentation, including negotiating and advising on various forms of building contracts (including bespoke and Australian Standard construction contracts) as well as general procurement contracts.

Associated Areas of practice

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Energy and Climate Change


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