Consumer Law

We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of consumer law with ease and confidence.

We have a wealth of experience in consumer law and can advise you on a range of issues related to this field

Whether you need advice on marketing and trade promotions, or more guidance on specific requirements of selling goods and services, we’re committed to providing practical, strategic solutions that safeguard your business and build trust with your customers.

Our services

We offer a wide range of services in consumer law, including:

  • Misleading and Deceptive Conduct
    Helping you avoid and address issues related to false or misleading representations.

  • Consumer Guarantees and Warranties
    Ensuring you meet statutory guarantees and effectively manage warranty claims.

  • Unfair Contract Terms
    Identifying and addressing unfair terms in your consumer contracts.

  • Marketing
    Reviewing your marketing strategies and materials to ensure they comply with legal standards.

  • Trade Promotions and Gift Cards
    Guiding you through the legalities of trade promotions and gift card usage.

  • Spam and Privacy
    Assisting with compliance under the Spam Act and Privacy Act.

  • Therapeutic Goods
    Advising on the advertising and sale of therapeutic goods, including prescription medication, pharmacy and complementary medicines. and medical devices in accordance with legislation and guidance.

  • Unconscionable Conduct
    Preventing and addressing conduct deemed unconscionable under the law.

  • Consumer Redress
    Facilitating effective mechanisms for consumer complaints and redress.

  • Regulatory Requirements
    Helping you navigate the consumer law regimes across Australia, including the Australian Consumer Law, Spam Act, Privacy Act, National Law, and Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.

  • Regulatory Bodies
    Understanding the functions, powers, and objectives of bodies like the ACCC, Consumer Affairs Victoria, TGA, and other regulators.

  • Compliance and Enforcement
    Managing compliance issues, including reporting requirements, breaches, and available outcomes.

  • Promotional Material
    Assessing your promotional and marketing materials for compliance and risk.

  • Strategic Solutions
    Offering practical and strategic options to ensure compliance and minimise risk.

Additional Services

Our team can also assist with:

  • Contract Drafting and Review
    Drafting and reviewing consumer and commercial contracts to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.

  • Contract Negotiation
    Helping you negotiate contracts that meet consumer law requirements and protect your interests.

  • Policy and Procedure Development
    Creating and reviewing policies and procedures to safeguard your business.

  • Training and Resources
    Providing templates, fact sheets, checklists, playbooks, and training on consumer law issues to empower your team.
  • Industry Specific Advertising Requirements
    Advising on the advertising and sale of goods and services in accordance with industry specific legislation, binding and voluntary codes and guidance, including health specific goods and services, energy related goods and services, cosmetics, food and beverages, and social media influencers.

Consumer Law


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