
We’re excited by technology — a powerful tool for cutting-edge business practices — and the commercial environment where powerful transactions exist.

Technology is a driving force, and we love being part of that journey

With broad expertise across this space, the Hive Legal team is well-placed to advise on technology-related projects and general commercial arrangements.

How we can help

Technology Projects

We advise clients on a wide range of IT projects, from discrete software and service supplies and procurements to major IT initiatives, complex engagements, and contracting, including transformation projects, outsourcing, systems integration projects, and enterprise-wide solutions.

Contract Review, Drafting, and Negotiation

Using our industry-specific expertise, our team can support you with reviewing, drafting and negotiating your IT contracts. This can include:

  • Procurement and contract management
  • Identifying and mitigating risk
  • Preparing and responding to tenders
  • Unfair contract terms reviews
  • Managing high-volume contracts
  • Developing new templates, including master agreements, single Saas agreements, and end-user licence agreements

Learn more about our commercial expertise here.

Privacy and Data Security

Privacy and data protection is a core element of our practice. We can support you with:

  • Privacy obligations (Commonwealth and state/territory regimes, in public and private sectors)
  • Data protection and cyber security
  • Data collection and handling
  • Data sharing arrangements
  • Notifiable data breach regimes
  • Commercial contracting, including privacy policies and user terms
  • Privacy compliance reviews and advice

Learn more about our privacy expertise here.


Emerging Technologies

We regularly advise clients on adapting technology in emerging fields such as fintech, healthtech, and regtech.

Emerging technologies also raise a range of other, often specialised, issues in the sectors in which they operate. We work closely with colleagues in our financial services, health, and energy teams on these matters.

Intellectual Property

Our team provides strategic legal and risk management advice in respect of intellectual property arrangements within technology contracts.

We can help you refine and negotiate the terms of your licensing arrangements to ensure you have the ability to use or restrict use of intellectual property as you need. Learn more about how we assist with Intellectual Property based matters here.


We can support you with the sale or purchase of business, joint ventures, and collaborations in the technology industry. Learn more about our transactions expertise here.

Associated Areas of practice

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